Ending Homelessness in MKE
For 40 years, Guest House of Milwaukee
has provided transformative and life-saving services to
thousands of individuals and families in our community through
our comprehensive services designed to
end the cycle of homelessness – and it’s working.
Overall homelessness in Milwaukee
U.S. Veterans in emergency shelter
Over the last 15 years, National Point-In-Time Count data for Milwaukee’s homeless show dramatic progress toward
ending the cycle of homelessness:
Street homeless entering shelter/housing programs
Since 1982, Guest House of Milwaukee has served our community by providing shelter, food, mental health/AODA counseling, case management, and access to housing resources for our neighbors experiencing homelessness and housing instability.
Celebrate Guest House's 40 years of service and support this important mission!
How did we get here?
By offering More Than Shelter.
Over the years, Guest House has responded to evolving community needs with innovative programs and services to address the root causes of homelessness. Our investment in Homelessness Prevention, Rapid Re-Housing, and transitional-to-permanent housing programs is paying off. Providing mental health and addiction counseling, employment and financial coaching, and dedicated case management services helps our clients overcome their barriers to stability and keeps them moving toward independence. Our committed, compassionate staff refuse to let clients fail – they are truly inspiring. Just as importantly, our dedicated supporters provide us the resources to continue making this tremendous impact in our community.