What We Do
Guest House of Milwaukee has a proven track record of assisting even those with the most severe challenges to overcoming homelessness regain and maintain their independence, including: mental illness, addiction, physical and cognitive disabilities, and history with the criminal justice system.
Core Programs
Our programs and services are designed to address the full spectrum of homelessness, including prevention, shelter, clinical services, housing, and long-term case management.

Our Prevention, Rapid Re-housing, and Permanent Supported Housing programs help more than 450 Milwaukee County men, women, and families secure a permanent, affordable place to live, and ensure that participants are able to maintain that housing once placed. We provide outreach and financial assistance to help bridge any income gaps, and employ case managers to connect our clients to community resources that support their independence.
The Guest House Counseling Clinic is certified by the state of Wisconsin and is dedicated to providing quality outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling services to Guest House clients. We focus on serving adult men and women with mental health, substance abuse, and co-occurring diagnoses. Our staff delivers client-centered, trauma-informed, and gender-responsive counseling. Through one-on-one and group work, our clinic uses an individualized, goal-oriented approach to help individuals work on their issues of drug and alcohol addiction, stabilize their mental health, and connect with community resources to maintain sobriety and mental health for long-term success.

We provide long-term case management for men and women who are working their way through addiction, mental health issues, or both. The key staff members in this program work to empower clients by tailoring services and resources to meet the individualized needs of those served by this program. Together, the client and case manager identify an array of supportive services to attain, and ultimately maintain, independent living.
We provide shelter to up to 86 men experiencing homelessness each night of the year - including our veterans' dorm, emergency shelter, and community cots program. We begin with addressing the guests’ basic needs of hot meals, a warm bed, fresh bedding, showers, clothing and laundry facilities. Then, we match each individual to a qualified case manager to develop an individualized plan for independence, and remove barriers to achieving one's goals.

Guest House continues to be a model of innovation in addressing the root causes of chronic homelessness, and providing the comprehensive services necessary to overcome it.